ISBN 978 1 85944 237 1. Contents: Preface: Gerald Bonner: Dedication to Margot Johnson
Introduction: David Loades: The English Reformation. Part I: The English Bible: S.A.J Bradley: The Great Duty: Anglo-Saxon poetic mediation of the Scriptures
David Loades: Thomas Cranmer and the Great Bible
David Loades: The Bible Established, 1558-1620
Gordon Jackson: Second Thoughts: Revising the translation of Early English Printed Bibles, 1525-2540. Part II: The Prayer Book: Alan Bartlett: How protestant was Cranmer’s 1552 Prayer Book?
David Loades: The revision of the Prayer Book in 1552
Bridget Nichols: Intolerable Burdens: the anxiety of influence & the Prayer Book tradition
J.R. Watson : George Herbert: rhetoric and the Book of Common Prayer. Part III: The Durham Connection: James Thompson: Durham College: the aborted Protestant seminary
Jane Freeman: The Parochial Ministry in the Diocese of Durham in the early seventeenth century
H.J. Smith: “The Rough Hewers”: the preaching ministry of Richard Rothwell and Anthony Lapthorne in County Durham
P.G. Stanwood: Lives of Devotion: the Correspondence of Isaac Basire and Frances Corbett, 1635-1660 Simon Anderson: Excessive Music: a discussion of music inspired by the ideas of John Cosin both at Durham cathedral and at Peterhouse, Cambridge. Postscript: Brian Spinks: The Westminster Confession: the “bastard child” of the Church of England
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Word and Worship
Edited by David Loades. Preface by Gerald Bonner.