This journal grew out of the British Academy John Foxe Project when it was directed by Professor David Loades (1934-2016)and subsequently by Professor Mark Greengrass when the status of directors was changed and Professor Loades became Literary Director.. Articles concern Foxe himself, religious change in his lifetime and perceptions of Foxe and his Acts and Monuments in later periods. The Project ‘s aim was to produce a new and scholarly edition online to replace the inaccurate Victorian version by Cattley and Townsend. The scholarly edition can be found on the University of Sheffield Institute of Historical Research site.
Main articles should be 8-10,000 words. Post-graduates 3000 words – but flexible.
The next edition is spring 2020 when there will be a supplement containing articles by Professor Loades with an introduction by Dr. Paul Cavill, Pembroke College, Cambridge. The supplement will be available to non-subscribers and details will be announced on the Monograph page.
Book reviewers are needed.
The John Foxe Bulletin
ISSN 1365-6856. Individual subscription £20. Institutional subscription £40 for 2020 rising to £50 for 2021. Published twice a year. Submissions in English. Articles are peer reviewed.
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