ISBN 978 1 85944 009 4. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was writing some seventy years ago when Germany was the victim of an evil and alien regime. His Ethics reflects his life as a Lutheran pastor, theologian, ecumenist, resistance leader and conspirator. As Harold Lockley points out, these were activities which eventually resulted in his death on the scaffold. The Ethics was begun in 1939 and his arrest some four years later prevented its completion. The political agony of Germany is central to the work Everything established is threatened with annihilation. This is not a crisis among other crises. It is a decisive struggle of the last days… For Bonhoeffer the political situation under the Nazi party was one in which ethical and moral attitudes were of paramount importance and he regretted that so few of his contemporaries showed any taste for ethics when the need was so clearly present. Bonhoeffer lived as he believed and his approach was to throw himself into the thick of the troubles and by thought and example try to re-shape the tragedy that was Germany.