Forthcoming Monographs
Showing all 7 results
Forthcoming Monographs
False, Fleeting, Perjur’d Clarence
George, Duke of Clarence 1449-1478. 2nd Edition. By Michael Hicks.
Forthcoming Monographs
Henry VIII & Cardinal Wolsey: The Tudor Court & Royal Progresses 1509-1547
By Neil Samman
Forthcoming Monographs
Ladies of the Tudor Court
By Jenny Rowley Williams. Publication date to be announced.
Forthcoming Monographs
The Arts Restored Patronage and Portraiture in the Reign of Charles II
By Stephen Gleissner (Chief Curator, Wichita Art Museum, USA)
Forthcoming Monographs
The Cider Excise Crisis 1763-1766
By Patrick Woodland. Preface by Dr Perry Gauci, Fellow and Tutor of Lincoln College and Lecturer University of Oxford.
Forthcoming Monographs
William de Longchamp
By David Balfour (College of St Joseph, Vermont, USA.